Adult Education Instructor Curtis Ward Receives 十大网赌平台推荐 Rick Perkins Award

Date Posted: December 20, 2021

Curtis Ward, Adult Education Lead Instructor & Data Coordinator at Southern Crescent Technical College, was recently named the 2022 Rick Perkins Award for Excellence in Technical Education.  The Rick Perkins Award is the equivalent to being named Instructor of the Year at Southern Crescent Technical College.

Ward stated that he “was extremely honored to be named the Rick Perkins winner, although he shares this honor with all of the dedicated instructors at the College.”

The Rick Perkins Award for Excellence in Technical instruction is awarded annually and is designed to recognize and honor technical college instructors who make significant contributions to technical education through innovation and leadership in their fields.  Instructors are nominated for the Rick Perkins Award by their peers and competition among instructors occurs at the college, regional, and state levels.

Dr. Alvetta Thomas, President of Southern Crescent Technical College, stated, “Mr. Ward has been recognized as Southern Crescent Technical College’s Rick Perkins winner because of his conscientiousness and genuine commitment as an instructor.  I have witnessed his dedication to student learning, high professional standards, and cooperative spirit.  His teaching methods and techniques are innovative and he encourages his students to achieve at their highest level. Curtis is an excellent representation of the quality faculty and staff at Southern Crescent Technical College and we wish him well as he goes on to represent the College at the next level of competition.”

In addition to Jester, finalists for the Rick Perkins Award included Mark Avery, Business Administrative Technology Instructor; Billy Elliott, Carpentry/Construction Management Instructor; Laura Watson, Practical Nursing Instructor; and Dr. Jerry Hubbard, Biology Instructor.

Ward and other nominees were judged by a group of outside individuals. After winning the school title, Ward will represent Southern Crescent Technical College as an ambassador for technical education.  The state Rick Perkins winner will be announced in April.